Our Mission:

Through building character and independence, Second Home Child Development Center provides a safe, developmentally appropriate, nurturing environment that promotes lifelong learners.

Vision and values:

 Family Community American Dream
Self Image Future Leaders Compassion

Preschool is an important time to set the tone for what school really is since this is the first full year of education for many students.  

At SHCDC, we believe every student is unique and an individual. That being said, every student will learn differently and at various paces. While in preschool, your child will learn social skills and the basics of the school environment that will be very valuable for their years to come.

Our Education Service Provider Partnership

Choice Schools Associates

Second Home Child Development Center excels, in great part, because of its education service provider, Choice Schools Associates. Choice is a family-owned, Michigan-based, education service provider with a team that is passionate about all things Montessori. Choice partners with charter school founders who desire to provide better educational options for children throughout the State of Michigan. They not only specialize in public Montessori charter school education, but also work with groups that are eager to provide specialized academic choices that are tailored to serve their own community.

For over two decades, Choice has carried out its mission to partner with school communities, empowering and equipping them to fulfill their unique mission. To date, they have been able to guide numerous different groups of founders through the charter school start-up and operation process, resulting in six unique public Montessori schools, two environmentally focused schools, seven traditional academies and one child development center.

Over the years, Choice has developed a solid curriculum that links their schools in the Montessori philosophy, but celebrates each communities uniqueness. Choice believes the Montessori education is one of the greatest gifts children can receive. Our teachers combine both Montessori and Michigan Department of Education school standards. These dual responsibilities help ensure that your child is receiving the best education they possibly can. The mixed-age classes enable students to learn and develop at their own pace and develop their role among peers. Please explore for yourself why Montessori works!

Choice’s Mission:

We partner with school communities, empowering and equipping them to fulfill their unique mission.

Choice’s Vision:

In our communities everyone thrives. #EveryoneThrivesHere

Click here to learn more about Choice Schools Associates.